Millions of cats : A fable of clutter and upside

Clutter in Real-World Portfolios

When innovations are first proposed, they seem so pretty and promising that their champions insist that they must be added to the project portfolio. Giving every idea a chance to prove out seems like a fair policy, but it leads to a portfolio cluttered with lots of projects, each needing care, attention and feeding. With so many, there’s no way to ensure that they all get enough resources to reach their full potential.

Wounded Projects, Hidden Upsides

A wounded project – starved of attention, resources, or vision – may look small and scraggly even though it has huge upside potential. By taking a closer look, you may find that it has every chance of growing into a pretty, plump and profitable business if it gets the care and feeding it needs.

To stop squandering attention and food on projects that will never make a big contribution to your business, you need to have and use a tool for making credible and comparable evaluations of all of your projects. You can then identify which projects have strong upside potential and which ones are insignificant.

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Millions of Cats illustration
“When you have to make a choice and don’t make it, that is in itself a choice.”

-William James

Let’s Connect!

David Matheson, President and CEO, SmartOrg, Inc.
David Matheson, President and CEO