Aligning Innovation
and Finance

To Drive Profitable Growth

Software and services for innovation
and portfolio management

Innovation and Portfolio Solutions

Make uncertainty your friend. SmartOrg’s methods for evaluating opportunities allows you to align on where and how much to invest and how to drive the upside. Our collaborative analytical software platform improves your business processes in innovation and portfolio management. Our consulting services support your efforts to deploy, educate and manage change. Whether your growth challenge is to explore an exciting new area and develop credible investment grade proposals, or to balance investments across competing areas and interest, we can help you build your capability.

Up your growth game

Formulate Icon


Create hypotheses and experiments that accelerate the evidence of value. 

Evaluate icon


Find the most significant factors that drive opportunity value and find the hidden upside. 

Focus icon


Put attention on the efforts that matter most. Eliminate innovation waste and portfolio clutter.

Balance icon


Resolve conflicts between short and long term investments or among different areas. 

What Is Your Growth Challenge?

Innovation Navigator® helps you grow your true innovation garden: our mash-up of lean startup and real options help you Invest based on financial impact, guide your stakeholders through innovation uncertainties, and Focus on the tests that propel your efforts forward.


Are you working to create or demonstrate new opportunity?  Innovation Navigator combines Real Options analysis and Lean Startup methods to help you:

  • Win over stakeholders
  • Demonstrate financial credibility
  • Document diverse perspectives
  • Accelerate investment approval
Strategic Portfolio Management


Are you working to get more for less or to increase your ability to meet growth goals?  Portfolio Navigator® reveals hidden opportunities to drive breakthrough growth.

  • Cut through the clutter
  • Tame uncertainty
  • Drive the upside
  • Overcome conflict

Increase your return on growth investments by 30% or more

2024 Events

Bringing big ideas to life isn't easy. Join us at SmartOrg's

Frost & Sullivan’s #Innovation Workshop & Tour at the Oracle Industry Lab
Workshop: September 17, 2024
Time: 11:05 AM CT

Incubation is challenging. Turning a great idea into something substantial enough to secure CFO approval is no small task. The risks are high, and so are the stakes for personal reputations. We’re excited about SmartOrg’s upcoming interactive workshop, “No Derisk, No Reward” at the Oracle Industry Lab.

This is an opportunity to come together, share experiences, and explore a new approach for navigating this complex journey. Join Daivd Matheson and Doug Williams of SmartOrg for a dive deep into prioritizing project risks and rewards, helping you identify both opportunities and strategies to mitigate risks. We look forward to seeing you there!

Latest Growth Insights

The Ten Commandments for Turning Innovation Ignorance into Intelligence. View of mountains with table of commandments symbolized

The Ten Commandments for Turning Innovation Ignorance into Intelligence

You’ve been incubating your innovation for a year now and are heading into the final approval meeting to put serious money into the opportunity.  As you enter the room, on your left sits the skeptical CFO, with her ever-present scowl firmly in place.  You hope you’ve...