Drive Breakthrough Growth
SmartOrg’s web-based portfolio evaluation platform helps your stakeholders align on where and how much to invest.
Our software and consulting services build your capability to discover project upsides, compare opportunities objectively, and make better portfolio decisions faster.
What can Portfolio Navigator® Software do for you?

How do you double this project's value?
Find the most significant factors that drive overall project value. Uncertainty ranges reveal hidden potential.

When are “good” projects just clutter?
Put incremental and high risk / return opportunities on a level playing field to find the balance that creates the best returns.

Are incremental projects crowding out innovative ones?
Redirect resources from incremental opportunities to high-risk, high-reward ones that boost the value of your portfolio.

How much should you invest in growth?
Prioritize your opportunities by ROI to get the most out of your investment budget.

How can you be sure you’ll meet your financial goals?
A rigorous, honest evaluation of your portfolio highlights dangers and shows how to improve your portfolio mix.
Services to accelerate your portfolio journey

Jumpstart Your Journey
SmartOrg offers training, a variety of portfolio assessment surveys, and live (or virtual) workshops to diagnose how portfolio management can help you achieve your growth goals. You will establish common vocabulary and understanding and align on the way forward.

Address Growth Challenges
SmartOrg consultants work with your organization to baseline your portfolio, conduct tricky evaluations, cut clutter, identify major upside opportunities, or simply provide a neutral outside perspective. What challenges do you face?

Drive Change
Whether you are using your portfolio to change the status quo or need support in upping your game, SmartOrg consultants are experts at Process Design, Change Management, and Conflict Resolution. With SmartOrg, you can accomplish more than you realize.

Leverage Technology
SmartOrg helps configure, customize, integrate and deploy Portfolio Navigator so it works well with your IT environment and with your other business processes and systems. SmartOrg builds your full capability.

Expand Your Horizons
SmartOrg curates a library of best practices and benchmarks and facilitates peer-to-peer networking and activities. Smartorg helps you jumpstart your organization and support continuous improvement.