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Turn Actionable Ideas into Game-Changing Opportunities

That Even a Skeptical CFO Will Back

Innovation Navigator Training and Software Trial

Choosing the right path to innovation success
Innovation isn’t just about ideas: it’s about execution. The Incubation phase of innovation is where most innovation projects fail because teams don’t deliver evidence needed to support major investment. Keep your projects on an Incubation success path with Innovation Navigator®.

Our expert-led training gives you the tools, frameworks, and capabilities to:

  • Prioritize issues on your innovations projects so as to win over skeptical stakeholders;
  • Speak the language of finance to drive upside and resolve downside risk; and
  • Determine what most needs to be learned across the portfolio to build confidence in the business cases.

What’s included:

  • Free half-day virtual training session with a cohort of like-minded innovation practitioners;
  • Free 30-day license for your own instance of SmartOrg’s Innovation Navigator software;
  • Free weekly one-hour “ask us anything” virtual group sessions to share and learn from others for the 30-day period.