You want more winning innovation…

We have the software solution to guide you.

Making good innovation decisions on the front end is a tricky business. It requires clarity and intention in an environment clouded by expectations, ambiguity and uncertainty.

SmartOrg has developed a way to let the innovator win no matter which way the experiment comes out.

Front-End Innovation Software

Innovation Navigator®

Our newest, early-stage-innovation software solution, Innovation Navigator, is the outcome of tried and true testing with portfolio and product leaders. We’re close to going to market and are looking for a limited number of early adopters. We aim to gain valuable feedback from more use cases prior to launching.

How does this work?

On your incubation-stage innovation project, you’ll receive guidance through our first and rapid result-oriented module. You’ll be coached using our methodologies and walk away with a Discovery Zone Report and our issue importance analysis for prioritizing experiments leading to your next pivot conversation.

Take advantage of this invitation by reaching out to Doug Williams. He’ll discuss your situation and answer any questions.

Doug Williams, Associate Director, Innovation, SmartOrg Inc.
Doug Williams, Associate Director, Innovation