Disruptor Studio: Duolingo for Innovators

Duolingo for Innovators with Ralph Morales III

Finance is the lingua franca of business.

Often disruptors talk about the impact, the change, the awesome future state. Yet financial stakeholders hear: “Blah, blah….blah, blah, blah….we want some money to go disrupt your business.”

As a former finance director turned innovator, Ralph Morales III, Associate Director, Innovation at SmartOrg, spent a good part of his career helping new business teams justify and encourage executives toward unfamiliar opportunities.

Listen in as Ralph shares stories and techniques to win over the toughest financial critics. Then, head over to LinkedIn to join the conversation with your insights or questions.

Webinar Replay

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Thought Leader Webinars are all about experts sharing the inside track of the unique, hidden, nuanced, and sometimes just plain strange parts of innovation and disruption. These live, 60-minute sessions are co-led by industry experts and Disruptor League facilitators.